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(#37 (permalink))
Troo (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 240
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: UK
05-14-2009, 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
You young folk might think a University degree is bollocks or BS or a waste of time or whatever. But the older guys like me that are going to be hiring you think is is a HUGE indicator of whether or not you are worthy of working in my company.
Exactly this. MMM is also wise.

Most people hit their teen rebellion in their mid-teens. I hit it... Yes, at University. I flunked my course (only by one module, but flunk one module and you lose it all), couldn't be bothered to resit, and strode out into the world thinking "It doesn't matter, I have three job offers already. I'm highly employable."

And, yeah, I am highly employable. It just so happens that I (luckily) have a highly employable mixture of knowledge and ability - I am a writer with 13 years' I.T. experience, and good technical authors are highly sought-after. But I had to work 13 years in I.T. to get where I am today, and believe me, doors were closed because I didn't have a degree. Doors are still closed to me because I don't have a degree. Because I couldn't be bothered to go do that one resit, because I was comfortably employed by then, and taking a break six months on to revise and sit an exam seemed like a waste of time.

Now if I want a degree I have to start the whole three years over. It'd cost me about £3,500 a year in tuition fees, and god alone knows how much in matierals, let alone living costs if I chose a university further afield than my local one... Who probably wouldn't have me back because I've already failed one degree

You may not notice which doors have opened purely because you have a degree. But I promise you that if you don't get one, you'll sure as hell spot which ones are closed.

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