05-14-2009, 09:11 AM
Wait, let me get this straight...
I guess I missed this important detail of information the first time I skimmed this thread and replied, but...
You have the opportunity to go to college, paid for by your parents, and you`re willing to throw that away because Japan looks oh-so-much-more appealing?
The level of luxury and shortsightedness amazes me.
It`s like throwing away a full course meal at a 5 star restaurant because you think a hamburger looks more appealing at the moment.
Trust me, you`ll have a million opportunities to eat that hamburger, and when the 20th rolls around you`ll start regretting not eating that full course gourmet meal when you had the opportunity.
Japan isn`t going anywhere. It will still be here in 4 or even 10 years.
Your chance to acquire the skills and knowledge to make it successfully through the rest of life may not be.
And personally, as someone who had no parental support when it came to education - and who put herself through university (to get that major in linguistics you so casually toss out)... I can only shake my head.
If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.