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(#164 (permalink))
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Kokugen (Offline)
Kingdom Hearts RP GM
Posts: 77
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Location: East London, England
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03-19-2007, 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by drakenjecht View Post
kingdom hearts is amazin

9 hours and llv 79 with all weapons and sephiroth beaten with a perfect ger in there ^_^
Easy, normal or hard, for me hard level 89 I think aint played in a while and all worlds complete, Sephiroth owned and Sunset Horizons still going through again on hard to try and bet Sephy at the lowest level possible as long as I have a relfect it should be easy ^^ FFXII is delaying me from that atm.

Hmmm...instead of Derailing this...maybe we should create a 'post as you go' thread for KH? anyone can join in and we just run around and do stuff in KH world.=Rikku777
Yeah a roleplay, I love roleplay I'll be glad to set something up .

Nakama in the Kingdom Hearts RP
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