Originally Posted by Piddy
Will the whales become extinct if this goes on? How many do they actually kill per year?
I've also seen videos of a japanese dolphin fishing industry, where they cut up the dolphins' stomaches and let them bleed to death on the ground. It was horrible. I wonder if they do something similar to the whales, it's hard to tell since they're so huge.
I think exticntion is what's causing the main problem, plus the cruel ways of killing.
It seems the dolphins down at Taiji are getting the Al Queda style slaughter and It breaks my heart to see such a thing on YouTube.
Yes, In Australia we grew up being educated that whales are highly intelligent creatures and that we should respect them.
We did also once hunt whales in Australia, and by memory it was for the fats for perfumes.
That was before my time..
It's hard to know why, when and how we all think differently, but the whale issue is affected because it's happening in International waters.
The cruel dolphin slaughter doesn't get as much publicity, mainly becaus it's done in Japanese waters and they do have control over the media during slaughter time.