Originally Posted by YuriTokoro
Would you correct my English, please?
"My Guitar"
My guitar is Gibson LesPoul Custom. It’s been broken. It doesn’t make sound. I think it might due to some disconnections. So I brought it to a guitar repair shop today. They didn’t say how many days they need to repair it and I don’t have a guitar to play now!!
Speaking of guitars, I used to have electric guitar lessons and the teacher was very good. I have met two great teachers and he(name instead of he) is one of them.
The most impressive words(i would say thing) he said was, “I don’t judge students’ or other people’s performance negatively.”
Actually, he had never said “No,” even if I played badly. Even I tried strange (the word weird would be a better choice)ways, he didn’t say “No” or “It’s impossible.” I was very happy and enjoyed liberty in the class.(jenjoyed the freedom or maybe enjoyed the class))
What a fond memory! I wish I could play my guitar just now!!
Thank you!
Just a few things here and there but other than that. It was good.