Thread: Lip Piercing
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(#30 (permalink))
darksyndrem (Offline)
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05-17-2009, 11:51 PM

Originally Posted by Salvanas View Post
Sorry to go against you on this one, but here's a bit of advice about parents. As Ozkai said, always go on the presumption that "They're always right"

I've dyed my hair multiple colours, and experimented a alot with my hair, and before I did, I asked my parents. Whatever my parents said, always, in the end, came true.

Actually, whatever they've said, has never been wrong when it comes to my looks. So, seriously. Listen to your parents at times. Try the fake lip ring.

And, for bleaching your hair, it's one of the most unhealthiest things to do to your hair. And, if your dad says you'll look like a queer, then take his word for it.

I mean, hey, it's better to live with your current hair, then actually looking like a queer, right? If it's so much of a problem, pass me a picture, and I'll photoshop your hair as blonde (bleached).

Also, taking advice from your parents doesn't make you 12. It makes you respect your parents opinions. Sometimes, you have to do stuff by yourself. But sometimes, it's best to take their advice.
I agree, but I also want to live young while I can, you know?? Before long, I'll be old and won't be able to do the things I can do now. I mean yeah some of those things may be ridiculous and absolutely stupid, but you can't say you didn't enjoy that, even if you do regret it, right?
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