Thread: Lip Piercing
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(#37 (permalink))
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ozkai (Offline)
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05-18-2009, 02:15 AM

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
I agree, but I also want to live young while I can, you know?? Before long, I'll be old and won't be able to do the things I can do now. I mean yeah some of those things may be ridiculous and absolutely stupid, but you can't say you didn't enjoy that, even if you do regret it, right?
I can hear you but that's actually the problem.

"You tend to look back and say "God I was stupid, why didn't I listen to my parents"

For me having such a young sibling, having been in the bad world, been their done that, you just know and understand all the correct and good ways and it just comes naturally.

It's a real natural feeling and your parents are really the only real people in our world that give us their true and totally honest reasons and opinions.

Forget what other people think or say look "good", friends come and go home, Image is not real, but your parents are with you fully so you can believe in them forever. They are forever on your side and want and hope everything best for you.

Cheers - Oz
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