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Gahzirra (Offline)
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Location: Southern, CA
05-18-2009, 09:56 PM

Trying to make me look like an american tool MMM?? Just kidding saw another lenghty thread you discussed those "looking for Japanese Girlfriend" shirts.

Will try and give a better example...I dont like the wacky japanese shirts where they try and say something witty and not so clever in Kanji.

I have a Marc Ecko shirt with a cool rising sun and a samurai in an "affliction" style. I also have some of the Ed Hardy shirts with the japanese themed art. Was looking for something along those lines or kinda like how we have business shirts in the states but the writing is simply in japanese. If you have seen the shirts at "Urban Outfitters" with like american brands but in Japanese. I assume Japan advertises similar to the west, like "Yahagi Construction Co.", or "Yamamoto plumbing"

I don't like the over the top cliche shirts like I saw at Jbox, unless I missed the cool ones?
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