Thread: dub or sub
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05-18-2009, 10:56 PM

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post
Where's the option for niether? Learn the freakin language!!!!
Why should one have to go through the trouble of many years of hard language study just to enjoy entertainment in that language? Sure, if one has the time, patience, resources (money?) and a deep interest, "learning the freakin" language might not sound that bad.....but subs and dubs exist for a reason

(yea, that sounded a bit mini-rantish - my bad)

Personally, it depends on which voice acting is better for me to judge one over the other. Most here are saying "ZOMG AMERICAN VA'S SOUND FEIIIIKE!!!", but the truth is that I've been able to sense tons more emotion in more American VA's then I have in Japanese VA's (this goes for works other then anime, btw).

I've seen anime/shows that sound good subbed but not dubbed, as well as dubbed but not subbed. It would be very biased and stupid for me to pick one over the other -_-;
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