Originally Posted by kenshiromusou
連載と同時期に企画スタートしたために,その企画書で は ,悪の一味どしてNosferatusの登場を示唆しているものの[戦争を中心に宝物をめぐる10人のhuntersのバトルロイヤル ]をうたっている(番宣資料や,OP,EDなどで10人のhunters が 登 場 しているのは,そうした企画時の流れによるものと 思 わ れ る ) 。
it says that the project began right after the serialization and thought the Nosferatus insertion was suggested, the theme of musics focused the 10 hunters in OP and ED.
Am I right?
テレビアニメ[Garuda]は,ロボットもの,キャグもの,魔女っ子ものetcといったこ れまでのアニメーションのどのカテゴリーにも属さない 作品(ファンタジーという言葉ですらこの頃 は一般 的 で は なかった時代である)であったため,スポンサー向けには, そのカテゴライズとしてロボットアニメの延 長 線 上 , あ る い は ロボットアニメに代わるものという認識で企画 は 進 め ら れ て い た。
For the sponsors the animation was very advanced (high risk) because it did not belong to usual categories of animes (about robots,witchs etc.). And even the word in katakana "Fantasy" is relatively unknow until today.
Is that, friends?
また,本作の製作にあたり,光学合成用のマスク 処 理 の 機 械 を新たに導入するなど,通常のテレビ シリーズ で は考 えられない破格の製作体制でスタートした。
I did not understand these technical terms like "optic mask"; Sorry, but I have no idea about what it says.
1. I'm afraid I'm not quite convinced that you understood the structure of this sentence, which unfortunately doesn't represent the best of Japanese writing. Then again, I may be just being fooled by your drastic summarization.
This (project) started around the same time as the serialization.
Even though the Nosferatus insertion is suggested in the project report, it states that the new project is about "the battle royal among the ten war-time treasure hunters ".
(The speaker thinks that because of this flow of things at the conception, the Ten Hunters appear in the program ads, OP and ED.)
2. The word ファンタジー has been in heavy use for a few decades already.
Your summarization of the first half of the original is fine. All that one is left unsure about is the last half, which is about how the creators explained the new series to the sponsors. Between the sponsors and the creators, the project was moved forward with the common understanding that the new idea was an extention of the robot anime or it was to replace the "old" robot anime.
3. "This series started with the unprecedented production conditions (money matters) that were simply unthinkable for a usual TV series, most significantly represented by the purchase of the optical compositition masking device."
The optical masking seems to be a technique used to maximize the visual clarity.