Originally Posted by kenshiromusou
But can you explain me the second question again?
I cant understand why "Fantasy" is inserted in context (if its the new genere of anime or if its because music has the word in katakana).
I ask you and once more annoy you here, can you give me your translation? because I dont get "to tie" the first half with this part about Fantasy.
Before I post my translation, let us discuss a couple of issues so that we are on common ground. I must admit that I know very little about anime and I certainly know nothing about Garuda.
My translation will be conducted on the assumptions that:
1. "Garuda" is an anime title or at least part of one.
2. It falls under the category "Fantasy" at least in the Japanese sense of the word in case there are discrepanicies in the meanings between the two languages.
3. Sponsors always want to know exactly what kind of a work it is that they are investing in. When the work is of a completely new kind, it's difficult to explain it to them.
If these items are true and valid, my translation will be:
"The TV anime, Garuda, was a work that didn't belong in any of the categories of anime that existed at the time, such as Robots, Gags, and Sorceresses. It was a time when the word "Fantasy" was not even generally known. This is why, for the sponsors, the project was moved forward with the common understanding that the new idea (category) was an extention of the robot anime or it was to replace the "old" robot anime."