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Sangetsu (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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05-19-2009, 12:33 PM

Who said they were sold out? Countless people have been wearing masks in Japan for years as a way of dealing with allergies, so they are already sold at all convenience/drug/grocery stores. I've made a point to look, and as far as I can tell, all stores are still fully stocked, no one has run out of any yet.

Besides that, wearing a mask gives little or no extra protection to things like the flu or cold. If you don't want to get sick, wash your hands regularly, and never rub your hands or fingers against your eyes without washing your hands first.

The method of transmission is simple, someone who is sick just opened the door to the classroom in front of you. You push the same door handle they did, and you pick up the germs. You take your seat in class, yawn, and rub your eyes with your fingers, and boom, you might have just infected yourself.

Instead of wearing a mask, you should be using ant-bacterial wipes or lotion to disinfect your hands. The nonsense you see on television where government officials hand out free masks to the people is the typical "do-something-even-if-it's-useless-so-the-ignorant-will-think-that-the-government-is-doing-something" reaction.
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