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(#15 (permalink))
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lself (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 766
Join Date: Jul 2008
05-19-2009, 11:46 PM

I am very bad at directions sometimes so I was often getting lost. A lot of really nice people would help me all the time. One time I was going on a train to my sisters house but the train wouldn't go through because of high wind. So I didn't really know what to do, but this nice old gentlemen managed to communicate with me. He offered to get his daughter to drive me but i was still slightly cautious. So he let me use his phone, and then he and his whole family waited with me at the train station until my sister got there So kind of them.

Another good experience. I left my bag on a train. I was staying at a temple on Koya-san so the monks tracked it down by calling stations and then they drove me down to the station and helped me pick it up. They were so nice

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