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Yoite (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 30
Join Date: May 2009
05-20-2009, 08:50 AM

Like a lot of people already said, it depends on where you live. It’s the same idea in every country.
First things first : why do you want yo live in Japan, what motivates you etc etc. Think about that and make a well organized list, print it to just motivate yourself. What kind education did you follow or are you still following ? Or if you have got a job, what kind of job etc. Furthermore, google is really useful, I have found several useful sites with it, including .

Well, when you pass this stage, it is time for you to search for a job. Try to first get a job and then you can search for a room (I don’t know if it’s possible to get a job without speaking the language). Generally, the country is more tolerant when you already organized yourself. Also try to build up your economics meanwhile to just get a ticket when you’re ready and some spare cash in case you get in trouble.

Ok, I think I got a bit carried away....sorry ....
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