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ozkai (Offline)
X Kyoto
Posts: 1,474
Join Date: Apr 2009
05-20-2009, 09:40 AM

Just thinking and moving on a little from the OP, Japan, many many years ago was very expensive and did have the reputation and facts to back it up.

I'm 41, I left Japan in 2004, and those expensive days were over.

Just thinking and not 100% sure here, I would say if you go back to eight years and before, things were suepr expensive.

In 2004, Australia was definitely a lot more expensive, talking shopping, food, and major city rental prices, and salary levels in Australia could have been evenly matched, which could of course make Japan cheaper.

In the good old days, my wife being a full time nurse was earning very good money, and the guranteed twice yearly bonus totalled to around 1,000,000 YEN.

This was different in 2004 and salaries and bonusses decreased.

If their are any Japanese users on this forum in their 40's, I'm sure they know what I'm talking about and it would be good to hear them chip in with opinions with more accuracy.

Hope I'm making sense here as replying in the middle of the boiling pasta

Cheers - Oz
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