Help with translation -
05-20-2009, 07:56 PM
Hello. I was translating a chapter of a manga, but I stumbled upon a few phrases I was unsure about. So, I was hoping maybe someone could help me out :]? Here are the phrases:
今日のうちに全部飲んじゃって缶だけになったら燃えな いゴミに捨ててやる
Does this say something like "If I drink it all on today & it becomes just a can, I'll throw it into the non-combustible garbage" ?
"I wish to leave myself behind" ?
"The music room is saved on my cell phone" ?
青春の1ページに彼女と並んでカレー味の唐揚げを食べ たこと
What is "青春の1ページ"...?
だって 向こう行ったら向こう彼女作るんたべ?
"Because, if you go far away it's the food that your far away girlfriend made?" ?
"The food that will make you fall in love if you meet a girl like Ebi?" ?
I dont understand "取っとこ"
Thank you :]
Last edited by KellyMD : 05-20-2009 at 09:22 PM.