Originally Posted by KellyMD
Hello. I was translating a chapter of a manga, but I stumbled upon a few phrases I was unsure about. So, I was hoping maybe someone could help me out :]? Here are the phrases:
今日のうちに全部飲んじゃって缶だけになったら燃えな いゴミに捨ててやる
Does this say something like "If I drink it all on today & it becomes just a can, I'll throw it into the non-combustible garbage" ?
Precisely, yes!
"I wish to leave myself behind" ?
Needs context. All I know for sure is that it has nothing to do with leaving behind. Sounds more like "memory making" that is being talked about here.
"The music room
is saved on my cell phone" ? "Can be" to be exact.
青春の1ページに彼女と並んでカレー味の唐揚げを食べ たこと
What is "青春の1ページ"...?
"青春の1ページ" is very often used to mean "an episode of my youth" or "a memory from my youth".
だって 向こう行ったら向こう彼女作るんたべ?
"Because, if you go far away it's the
food that your far away girlfriend made?" ?
Where did you get "food"? This means "Because if you go over there, you will get a GF there."
food that will make you fall in love if you meet a girl like Ebi?" ?
"Food" again? I don't know what word from the original you thought meant "food".
This means "You're gonna encounter a girl like Ebi-chan (a well-known model in Japan) and fall in love, aren't ya?"
I dont understand "取っとこ"
取っとこ is the colloquial way of saying 取っておこう.