Shrine Festivals -
05-21-2009, 09:22 AM
Hey Guys
The following is my rough whereabouts during my honeymoon:
Oct 24 - Kyushu
Oct 25 - Hiroshim
Oct 26 - Himeji
Oct 27-28 - Osaka
Oct 29-31 - Kyoto
Nov 1 - Yokohama
Nov 2-3 - Yumoto Hakone
Nov 3-13 - Tokyo area
My wife really wants to visit a matsuri, the only thing I see possible is the Haoke Daimyo on Nov 3rd. Does anyone else know whether there is anything that we can visit (preferrably some sort of Shrine Matsuri where there are activities we can do outside of just watching) and is inline with our travel plan? The above plan is not set in stone yet, so I can make adjustment to it if i like