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Jaydelart (Offline)
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05-22-2009, 03:32 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
and the other was a scientific theory that was yet to be disproven.
... or proven, for that matter.
I have yet to see an evolving creature.

Don't confuse this with me saying "evolution is false." I can never truly say evolution is false. I am saying, however, that since the process of evolution happens over millions of years, how do we observe it? I'm pretty sure we can't... and observation plays a fundamental role in the scientific method... so I'm left unconvinced.

Originally Posted by MMM
Evolutionists don't need ammunition from gravity. It is just a way of explaining that when we say "theory" in science it doesn't mean "guess", which is what creationists wold have you think.
I spotted this assumption in one of your earlier posts.
I'm more creationist, and I can say, right here and now, that 'theory' doesn't necessarily mean ''guess".

Originally Posted by KikiBunny23
ahhhh, ok. then lol. so its there, just not proven HOW its there?

edit::wait, that makes no sense...cus aint it the earths rotation that causes gravity? erg, i just confused myself XD
You're right. That much is known. lol
... but that doesn't explain what gravity is.

Last edited by Jaydelart : 05-22-2009 at 03:36 AM.