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KikiBunny23 (Offline)
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05-22-2009, 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by Jaydelart View Post
... or proven, for that matter.
I have yet to see an evolving creature.

Don't confuse this with me saying "evolution is false." I can never truly say evolution is false. I am saying, however, that since the process of evolution happens over millions of years, how do we observe it? I'm pretty sure we can't... and observation plays a fundamental role in the scientific method... so I'm left unconvinced.

I spotted this assumption in one of your earlier posts.
I'm more creationist, and I can say, right here and now, that 'theory' doesn't necessarily mean ''guess".

You're right. That much is known. lol
... but that doesn't explain what gravity is.
true...hey who knows, maybe there's some giant magnet in the center of the earth in the middle pf the core magma/lava junk XD