Originally Posted by Jaydelart
Holy crap, it's ivi.
Hi, ivi. 
Hey dude
Originally Posted by MMM
My eyes have been opened much wider by the logic of science then the "faith-based" system where I am asked to believe blindly.
Any system that rejects the notion of "proof" is a flawed one at best. At least science wears its doubts and flaws like a badge of honor.
Lol that depends on the religion. I hope you're not making sweeping statements about all of them.
Originally Posted by MMM
Agreed Nyororin. I will watch my step.
Jaydealert, evolution is just that. To reject evolutionary theory because it doesn't explain the creation of the universe is like rejecting algebra because it doesn't explain the holes in quantum physics.
Evolution has nothing to do with the Big Bang Theory, the creation of the universe, the creation of Earth or the creation of life on Earth.
Evolution only covers life on earth since it existed and how life and livings things transpired from the first single-celled organism to the living world we see before us today.
Yet Algebra works for many things other than Quantum Physics. It is the basis for so much technology today which is above the quantum level. That is because it deals with physics outside the nucleus of an atom.
Evolution doesn't work at all. Only Natural Selection does, which as i've said before, existed well before Evolution without there ever being any theory deriven for it.
Also now, you may or may not have heard.. they're saying the "Mongol" class of people (i.e. chinese etc) had a different link to everyone else. A month ago if you had blindly bet your life on science, right now you'd have lost.
Originally Posted by iPhantom
You don't need to disprove something that has not been proven.
Why is that contrary to what Jayd is trying to say? Afterall Evolution hasn't been proven either and that is what the whole debate about the subject stems from.