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(#16 (permalink))
JBaymore (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 197
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: New Hampshire, USA
05-23-2009, 01:51 AM

Originally Posted by wasabijuice View Post
As you can see on the fear mongering news nightly if you live here.
The USA mass media has realized that all the hype was just that.... a bunch of hype... and has calmed down to something resembling what the threat actually is. Which is apparently not anywhere NEAR as significant as everyone initially feared. They realized that they were looking like IDIOTS yelling and screaming about this disaster.... that wasn't.

33,000 people a year in the USA die from the "normal" seasonal influenza. We've had a about a month of this "unique" flu... and only about 10 deaths. The death rate will have to significantly SOAR for the next 11 months to even come close to equaling the "nornal" every year flu.

Looking at the normal flu....... if people are so concerend about contracting "swine flu" they should be walking around in a plastic bubble in abject fear of the NORMAL flu each year. And most people do not get flu shots for the normal strain either.... so the "no immunity" issue is not really all that big either.

It is too bad that the Japanese media is still going overboard on it.

Anyway........ hopefully they will come to their senses before I head to Japan next month. Sigh.


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