Thread: dub or sub
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(#81 (permalink))
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Koir (Offline)
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05-24-2009, 03:52 PM

Originally Posted by SHAD0W View Post
Topic: Raw Japanese is far more exciting and rewarding!

A) your learning a second language - passive studying.
Agreed. Even I (being a pocky peasant) have noticed certain words being used frequently in anime, and from the subtitling watched afterwards, I connect English meaning and Japanese speaking (though of course, not the written word) together.

As a result, the times I watch the raw Japanese episodes I pick out the occasional word and know roughly what it means before I watch the subtitled version.

As for the thread topic, I would vote "doesn't matter" as both dubbed language and subtitled language have unique experiences to offer. Subtitled I hear not only the words but the emphasis behind them, the original experience. Dubbed, I see how references can change to make more sense to Western audiences along with how having a different voice once again offers a different experience.

I haven't watched the DVDs recently, but the example of that I can put forward is the voice actress for the "Nerine" character in Shuffle.

Also, having both subbed and dubbed versions of anime available means I can watch each episode at least twice and add more value to the experience

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