Originally Posted by MMM
Where did Nyororin say being an English teacher is a bad idea?
I am not sure why you would think if you are LIVING in Japan and teaching English there would be a barrier to the full experience of LIVING in japan and interacting with Japanese culture.
I am not sure how big or small you think Japan is but live music is a part of every city and town, no matter what size. Not only Tokyo
Nyororin mentioned this in another thread.
As Nyororin said, some schools may discourage people from learning too much Japanese, to keep you as foreign as possible, and to discourage Japanese in the classroom. I have also read this from other places too, so I believe it to be a valid point.
Of course, you're right. Just there happens to be a lot of it in Tokyo, and when I check band's websites, Tokyo seems to be the main place they perform. Though if it really is cheaper, I could always live out of the Kanto region and just patiently wait for tours :3 It's why I'm here, looking for suggestions from people firsthand.
Also, a little off topic here, but I might as well ask.
They say it takes a foreigner 6 months to learn to speak Japanese outside of Japan. After 6 months, would you be fluent, or just good enough to carry a decent conversation?
Right now, I could certainly get by myself in the language. So after 6 months of using the language continuously, I'm trying to get an idea of how fluent I would be.