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xYinniex (Offline)
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05-25-2009, 02:14 AM

Originally Posted by umeshuuu View Post
Hi guys,
nice thread idea!

I have a problem that I get some spots around once a month (hmm if you get what I mean... girls problems...)
It's sooo annoying, because the rest of the time my skin is busy clearing up and becoming nice again, and then all of a sudden... breakout!
So I have red marks from previous breakouts which take a while to fade (I'm pretty fair skinned)... is there anything you guys might recommend that helps marks fade quicker?
I really want to have perfect skin, I don't know if it's possible though, but anything to get rid of those damn scars would be a good start! XD
Btw, I'm totally not even a teenager (I'm 22), and I still have this kind of problem... so annoying

ps. Do you guys know if eating sweets and chocolate actually does affect your skin? Some people say it does, some people say it doesn't. Huh.
Firstly, acne scars are soo common, so there's nothing to be worried about. If you wanted to 'fade' them, there's a great new product out in drugstores called BIO-OIL, it's a solution that is designated to fade scars. It's a bit on the pricey side, but it's well worth it/ Lots of rave reviews.

and if you're worried, I find that junk food, if eaten too much will affect your skin. In moderation should be fine. Try cutting down a bit and and see the effects. =)

umeshuuu, I don't think chocolates, sweets and other foods like that affect your skin, a lot of people say they do, but the real reason is because you touch the food, then touch your face, and the oil and stuff will go onto your face and cause a breakout.

Anyway, has anyone heard of the "aspirin mask"? I've been meaning to try it for ages but I keep forgetting. Google it if you want.
agree with touching face and oils urgh. Assuming one has alot of pores that are left open, i dread to think. =) I'm DYING to get my hands on a pore minimising serum when i can afford it ^^

I occasionally use the aspirin mask, The directions are, you take 2/3 uncoated aspirin tablets, flick some water on them, wait til they dissolve [but still grainy] squirt some honey and lather on face. it's a very good home mask, i learnt from rice bunny, michelle phan. Apprently the grains exfoliate your face when you rinse it off [after 15 minutes] and theres a property in the aspirin that helps combat spots, but i find that with young skin, you don't want to use it too much, because it's a medicine and maybe harsh on your skin, so i limit mine to once a fortnight/3 weeks.

I believe the chocolate would affect your face. (Depending on how much) The reason I say this is because of the caffiene in the chocolate, I'm pretty sure that will affect acne. I may be wrong though.
Actually, i only eat dark chocolate now because in dark chocolate, if eaten in small amounts, there are antioxidants [same as green tea, but on a smaller scale] and apparently that may prevent spots. I also think, chocolate can also release happy endorphins so you feel less stress, hence less spots. =)

"I'm sorry, but i must have given you the impression that I actually care about your opinions"

Last edited by xYinniex : 05-25-2009 at 02:29 AM.
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