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ozkai (Offline)
X Kyoto
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05-25-2009, 02:28 AM

Originally Posted by xYinniex View Post
if you have good skin already, I don't see why you have to change your regime.

Toner is really to help with closing your pores, so crap won't get in, If you have oily skin, I suggest you do, because pores release more sebum and are more open. If you have normal to dry skin, you can probably skip out on it.

Your dove cleansing bar is okay to use. =) However, if you feel like your skin tightens up after washing, change it. =)

and regarding the ozone hole, Slap on more spf. =) Most moisturisers contain them, but spf 20 is usually a little weak on UV protection, I suggest at least spf 35+. Shiseido does one that is spf 50+ =)
Appreciate your advice.

I get fairly dry above the upper lip after I shave, although dealing with a man's skin would be different to a womens.

We definitely grew up in Australia "slapping" on factors 50 as we are a real beach culture so that's not a danger.

I do have a few little Shiseido ball bearing shales left from Japan which used to accompany us on holidays to Asia.. It's not far off from ZINC consistancy.

Not sure if you use zinc in your location? It's a thick white cream (available in different colours) often seen on this side wiped accross the shnoz and face. Here's photo to give you an idea.. UPDATE: We also have a new look clear

Cheers - Oz
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