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Nokutetsu (Offline)
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05-25-2009, 12:34 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post
It appears you want to visit Japan for 1 year because of a band you like? Why even bother to study the language or get a job here? What would be the point? So you can understand the lyrics or read fan magazines in Japanese?

I had written a longer post in reply, but I see it would have been a waste of time. I'm sorry if I'm sounding mean, but help should be offered only it will be taken seriously or be of real use. You are talking about investing a lot of time, money, and traveling to a foreign country and working there for a long period of time because you want to be able to see a band you like?

This is not realistic or remotely sensible, and doesn't merit realistic or sensible advice. Of all the things which Japan has to offer (and there are many), pop culture is the most fleeting superficial; as they say "here today, gone tomorrow". In 5 years you'll have another favorite band; God forbid they sing in Antarctica or Afghanistan... I don't think either country offers a working holiday visa program.
Excuse me. I think you have COMPLETELY misunderstood my post.

No. I'm not going to Japan to see 'a band'. I just happen to listen to quite a few, and in general, whenever I check schedules (I have checked about 12) in general it seems to be in Tokyo. Also, when western bands tour, they play in Tokyo, so I am being extremely general. All types of bands, it's just an interest I have. Just becasue I like music doesn't make me an unsensible fangirl.

For the record, I took a japanese language course a while back, and that is where my interest in Japan has developed.

I am traveling to Japan for the people, language and culture. I came here looking for sensible suggestions, and I'm more than willing to live outside of the Kanto region. Please don't jump to conclusions.

Last edited by Nokutetsu : 05-26-2009 at 12:13 AM.
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