Hello everyone, nice to meet you all. In the beginning I have to apologize you for my English level, cause I'm still learning it. I hope to improve it gradually
Anyway, here we go:
Name: Keito (Kathy)
Coming to you from: Poland
First Breath: June/26/1989
Interests and Intentions: well, I found this forum by accident when I was looking for something about j-rock. I thought it'd be nice to meet some people who share my interests and music taste. I'm a newbie, I've just started to listen j-music and sometimes watch anime or read manga, therefore I don't know much about it all. My fascination with Japan started when I went on a convention and met a girl who was really into it all. Since we became really good friends, she got me into manga and anime a bit. Later I met a Japanese guy on Skype and we also became.. hmm, yeah, I guess that he's one of my best friends ever so far.. so I realized that I'm really interested in the country and it's culture itself.
Why do you want to go to japan: I've never said I would :P but if I had more money, I'd obviously want to meet this Japanese friend and attend few J-rock concerts. Not to mention about few cultural events or a real cosplay (cause these in Poland are hmm.. well, not the best