Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
You're an idiot... what the hell does that have to do with anything? If you think I've contradicted anything I've said in the past then by all means bring it up.
Because you mentioned it in this thread of yours.
Furthermore I was implying that just because you are of the same nation does not make appeasement acceptable. I made my point... move on already. If you think I've overlooked something then address it directly please
Yes, you didn't reply anything what I said in the other similar thread.
The bolded is almost EXACTLY what I'm doing
now that we've cleared that up.. let's move on shall we?
So you perfectly admit that you want to do:
vent out your anger to a country opposite of the globe that is unrelated to you
Anger? Is that all you can do from this thread and the other one? This explains why you don't want to talk seriously with me though PM.
You even PM an ignorant message to me :
You want to say something then say it in the thread... I'm not replying to this.
While I PM previously to you and said at the end:
I have nothing against you, really. How about being calm and rational about this issue instead of being an internet tough guy across the globe like an American redneck armchair general. Please, don't make yourself bad.
I thought we were discussing about something relevant respected to the current international climate in East Asia. Not about obsession about proposing a war and becoming angry.
Okay, I'm gonna report you to the mods.