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Sinestra (Offline)
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05-26-2009, 01:06 PM

Havent been around much but i see its business as usual around here.

Sigh the way i see it this is no different than any other time North Korea has screamed for attention. They are upset because the west think they fired a missile a short time ago but they argue it was satellite being put into space for peaceful reasons and want an apology. Sooooo in order to get an apology they fire surface to air, surface to ship missile and conduct a nuclear test. If these actions dont scream look at me look at me i dont know what does.

I am not concerned because this is just an endless waltz that plays to the tune of North Korea. Same shit different shovel.

I do not support an attack on North Korea unless they pull the trigger first no good will come of it and only the civilians will be the ones to feel the brunt of it.

"The more things change the more they stay the same"