Taking a trip next Fall. -
05-27-2009, 12:19 AM
I plan on going to Tokyo for 2 weeks to a month next fall depending on my funds. I'm mainly going for sightseeing, shopping, and the arcades that I so wish we had in the US.
What I want to know is, whats the age limit for smoking and if I'm under the age limit, will I most likely be IDed at the counter?
I hear your not IDed at most bars but wondered about my beloved nicotine addiction.
I plan on skating a bit there aswell, when the oppurtunity arrises for my to go to a country other then my I own, your damn well better belive I'm going to risk myself a little bit.
I already know where to go to get some H, so that dosen't need to be asked ^//^
About the red light districts, I hear that there are alot of "Japanese Only" signs around there. Are there places that I (A White Male from the US) Go to some of these skanky and risque areas?
Thanks for the help and sorry for the long read.
You haven't dug your hole too deep until it's killed you