Originally Posted by Quailboy
I think it was yours or Housetek's post that I got the reccomendation from.
Do you think that $6000 would be alright for a month?
Well the way I like to think of it is like this...
need three things in order to stay in Japan. (vacation)
1. Airplane ticket.
2. Housing
3. Money for food
Airplane ticket would cost somewhere along the lines of $900-$1,500 for an adult round-trip flight.
Sakura house charges on average about $500 a month. Yes. Very, very, very inexpensive.
And depending how fancy you eat, the price could range from $100 to sky-high figures.
Without spending anything on other that the three things above, you're looking at roughly $3000-$3,500 per month in Japan.
Might be different for others, but that's just how I have figured it.
If you have friends in Japan, stay with them. That takes care of the housing. If they're nice friends, they'll probably feed you. That takes care of the food.