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ACW (Offline)
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Posts: 51
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Arkansas
Weather, hours, etc. - 05-27-2009, 04:27 AM

I'm pretty much adaptable to any kind of weather. I lived in a state where the winters were freezing, lived in a country where it was just plain hot, and now I'm living in a state that's hot & humid. I'm pretty much adaptable to Japanese weather haha. I know there's hardly central heating and cooling units in most apartments, but I actually found ways around it

As far as hours go I would work at least 48 hours a week. As long as I have one day off I'm fine. I've been doing those kind of hours for a couple of years and I'm not complaining haha.

I did ponder the idea of going to a owner controlled school. I feel like it working in a flexible business environment with help will be great. I researched and found that some businesses want you to follow a set guideline of teaching English in class. But I feel like that would be kind of monotanous (or however you spell it).

I tried to reasearch these kind of schools as well but I am having trouble. If anyone could show me a credible website containing information about owner controlled schools, that would be great.

Also, I have this nagging question in the back of my mind. I know that in order to get a working visa and to teach English you need a bachelors degree. I've heard that they'll take any kind of degree but I have to ask. I'm majoring in Business Administration. Do you think that would hurt my chance to work as an English teacher?
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