Originally Posted by crossmr
I'm going to be in Fukuoka in a few days and I want to do some shopping. So, I've got a couple questions.
I don't know any japanese, only what google tells me. I've done some searching for prices of things in japan and come up with the following site:
Can anyone tell me:
1. is this a web only price? am I going to have any luck finding this in stores?
2. if I can find this in stores, is there a nice big central electronics market where I could go buy some stuff in Fukuoka?
1. Depends on the store. Look at the 5th column from left named 店頭. If you see the word 同価 in that column, that means the product is being sold for the same price over the counter. If you see an empty space in that column, that probably means the store price is higher than the internet.