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05-27-2009, 09:58 PM

Originally Posted by Solxman View Post
Hi everyone!

Name: Solxman :P

Coming to you from: Switzerland

Something about me: So I live in a small "Town" called Widnau.. it.. just sucks. Ok I don't like Europe very much so it's no wonder.. All people here around me live their whole life in this town.. Yea some of them go on holidays in other countries but the most just live forever here..

I don't won't end like all these guys, so I'm soon finished with school already got a place in a School of Arts in "Liechtenstein". I got 6 weeks Summer holydays and I want to go faaaaar away from here can't see the "Cheesefaces" anymore want see some parts of the world. (Japan) I'm sure there are a bunch of Art schools in Japan, know one? Pls tell me :3

So my school is pretty bad, they live still in the 60s. Nothing has changed since then So it's no wonder that I can't speak Japanese, I can understand some words, my only teacher is my iPhone and some Anime :P

I'm glad to find this forum, maybe I find someone who can help me how I can go to Japan and life there for 3-5 weeks, haha I know it's just a biiiiig dream, but perhaps there is someone who can give me a hand ^^

So my english is yea you can see it by yourself not very well.. (I got 3 hours of French today -.-" and it's not easy to went all the time between English,French and German

I know from a JetDaisuke (Know him? YouTube Rox!) that there are a lot ppl in Tokyo who can speak English?! Is that true? Maybe there is one who got a place for a guy like me :P Again it's just a wish so pls don't understand me wrong ^^

Best regards and sayonara from Switzerland
Welcome to the boards and I hope you enjoy your stay! ^_^

You haven't dug your hole too deep until it's killed you
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