Originally Posted by xYinniex
It's good for securing a second FLUENT language for sure and amazing at discipline that your kid will have asian core values taught to him inside and out and this will help with...overseas exams. I agree with you on that
But Japan has the hardest school exam in high school right? That's one heck of an achievement. But you don't have to move to a western country to give him that sort of education, about different people. There's always the international school option. =)
The fluency wouldn't be a huge problem, as I am referring, although not mentioned, a sibling with dual nationality, although I'm sure the language would afford more excellence. for the child.
I have no idea about high schooling exams in Japan, except to say I heard that graduating university is "easy", and "everyone" graduates.
The international schooling option in Japan, means big $$$, but then again, why would you move their if you didn't want them to "fit" in, afterall, being comfortable in Japan for kids means "fitting in".
On the other hand, it may be better having the child educated in an Asian country.
I made a mention of this as it was a huge stumbling block with my wife and I. I have some very close friends in a JP/Oz marriage, the Oz Dad used to towrk for a large JP newspaper, he is well clued up on Japan, and they opted in to return to Oz for the sake of their two girls before they reached 12.
The main problem in Japan for kids is that they are not taught "people skills".
They just lack the know how to respond to any other culture than Japanese, in Japanese..