Originally Posted by wasabijuice
Income tax is quite low, if you're an eikaiwa teacher, maybe around 5% in your second year. (all taxes are based on your previous years income, so in your first year in Japan , your previous years income was 0. You start really paying the next year) But, local city taxes have been rising. In the small towns it is not bad though. You'll have to pay health insurance and social insurance though. These again will be cheap the first year, and kick in harder the second year. Consumption tax (sales tax) is 5% on everything.
While taxes are low, services are low to match, you get what you pay for. Ie: road tolls, travelling is expensive. Hospitals are adequate at best. Dingy schools and public buildings.
So the first year isn't too bad. I suppose that gives me an opportunity to save money during the first year so I can prepare for the next year.
So hospitals and schools are semi adequate? Is that true for the whole country or in certain areas?