Questions about studying in japan (24 years old) -
05-28-2009, 11:22 PM
I have searched many sites and all over this forum. And anything close to an answer was for people 22 or younger on here... And im pretty sure that i have the answer to my own question. I just wanted to confirm it.
I am 24 (25 in October) and without going into too much wasteful detail, I'm an American and i would like to do some studying in japan. I don't want to live there. I just want to go there for maybe 6months to a year. My local colleges dont have a Japanese program. I know I'm running a bit behind for my age, but im 1 year into my degree. According to the Monbukagusho scholarships website i've pretty much missed my deadline for doing my undergraduates by 2 years along with language studies.
My reasons are simple. First off, I'm not going for some juvenile reason like anime. I don't even care for the stuff. I just want to experience japan and I feel that i cannot do that with a visitors visa as the time is much too short, and i dont have that kind of cash to cover the costs of just visiting. At least with a scholarship or some sort of financial aid, some or most of my costs are covered, which would be a big help.
Is my only option to wait and finish my 4 year degree and then maybe find a temporary job over there like teaching? Or is there something i may have overlooked?
I know that i can do post graduate studies on the scholarship, but with only knowing the most basic japanese, that would be impossible. So if i could, where would language studies come in?
again, most people on here wanting to go are 13 - 19. I'm only making this post because im 24 and i have not seen any posts for people beginning college post 22 years. Any help would be greatly appreciated.