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(#60 (permalink))
kirakira (Offline)
Posts: 350
Join Date: Jan 2009
05-29-2009, 02:23 AM

Originally Posted by Eiri View Post
so.......seeing as China and Russia are being skitish about Pyongyang and the stuff he's up too.....and everyone else never liked him in the first place.......and Pyongyang is being an international what?
The truth to the matter is, nobody can do JACK.

US/Japan Side
Nuclear weapons aside, N. Korea has the 5th largest conventional army in the world, invasion of N. Korea by force by the knight in shiny armour, i.e. US, is not going to happen because a LOT of people will die. This aint Iraq. What what does US get out of it anyway?

China/Russia Side
China doesn't want to see a collapse of N. Korea because the last thing it needs is millions of poor N. Korea Peasants bursting into its border or US military operation right at its door step.

I believe China will only support military action if N. Korea does something completely stupid, like dropping a Nuke in Seoul or Tokyo or something like that, in which case it has no choice but to take Kim out nice and quick before they launch one to Beijing.

Best case scenario:
Kim keeps his evil regime, everyone else plays nice and we keep the status quo and hope something good happens when the guy kicks the bucket.