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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-29-2009, 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by inno89 View Post
That won't happen kirakira. I feel extremely uncomfortable using something (especially something that I learned just recently) without knowing why and the purpose of it in the language. You can push a horse to the river, but you cannot force it to drink.
The purpose of a grammar point within the language is a how, not a why.

I used to be like you, always asking why. Let me put it this way: the "why" should be a background concern for you, and must never, ever, ever take an important role in your learning.

You didn't ask "why" about English when you were one year old. You asked "why" when you got older. The same should be done of Japanese: don't concern yourself with "why" until you are "older."

Note that the obstinate horse that refuses a drink of water eventually dehydrates. Refuse the water with this truth in your brain.
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