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(#8 (permalink))
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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-29-2009, 07:23 AM

I'll second MMM's words. Hell, I'm not a professional and I still charge $$ for that sort of thing.

I suggest you go to an anime/manga fansite and get their help. Do not confuse "Japanese scholars/learners" with "manga fans." I suspect you've made this mistake and my proof is that you lack a "I know what doujin are but don't read them" choice in your poll. I guess your assumption is that anyone who speaks Japanese and knows of doujin must read them.

Check out places like Jpopsuki or something else—you'll find more people there interested in helping startup a scanslation group. Try anipike to see what is there. Is anipike still around? I haven't been there in over a decade (now I feel like an old internet soul!).
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