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JF Ossan
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05-29-2009, 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by amesei View Post
I didn't mean to offend you, but I'm not trying to be naive. While I understand that it takes many, many years to fully master Japanese and that it's very time-consuming to translate, I'm not asking anything of you. Although paying professionals to translate doujin would be better, not every translator fluent in Japanese is paid. Some just want to sharpen their skills in the language or just want to help translate because they are interested and offer their services for free. This is why I am thankful to the hundreds or even thousands of translators who break the language barrier everyday so that millions of us can read doujinshi in languages that we are familiar with. I also want to become a translator for that very reason, which is why I'm trying to learn Japanese in the first place.

Again, I did not post this to offend you or anyone else. I am merely trying to voice my opinion on this matter.

And I do support domestic translators by buying English-translated manga and English dubbed anime. People who actually work in the manga industry work too hard so they deserve lots of support from fans and consumers.
Don't worry, you did not offend me. In my experience the people that do translate doujinshi for free are either 1) fans of the title or 2) trying to build a resume.

Skill-sharpening is something students do. Pro-bono is something lawyers do.

I do wish you the best hope it works out.
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