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(#19 (permalink))
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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05-29-2009, 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Leopalace is both a rental management company and a construction company. They manage a huge slew of apartments which were not necessarily built by them - and most of those are of the regular rental (utilities not included, crappy old building, etc). The actual Leopalace built places are torn down and rebuilt every so many years - the others are not actually the property of Leopalace so all they do is manage the renting. Anything other than the most basic maintenance is the responsibility of the actual landlord.

So you have both Leopalace apartments and regular apartments rented through Leopalace. It`s not a matter of luck - you can easily tell which you`re going to get (their rental procedures are very different) and choose.

What choices you have will depend on your geographic location. Where I am at, the Leopalace buildings are all more or less the same, single-room studios, with or without a loft. In other areas they offer genuine, multi-room apartments.

You are correct that Leopalace also manages rental properties, a friend of mine owns 2 Leopalace apartment buildings (typical studio types). Around here it is hard to distinguish between a managed, privately-owned building and one that is company-owned.

In my case, I'll avoid them both; Leopalace apartments where I live are overpriced compared to other properties available.
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