Originally Posted by ozkai
I saw plenty of men and women reading the thick comic type, I believe it was Etchy Manga (That MMM mentioned) on the train, the type with definite pornography, although they were drawings, not real life photos.
So you saw both men and women reading "pornography" on the trains? I guess we probably have a different definition of what is pornography.
Keep in mind, people, that often the most lurid and erotic image in these monthly or weekly comics appears on the cover. The contents are often disturbingly tame.
Originally Posted by ozkai
I'm not 100% sure what the consensus in peoples minds were, possibly art, possibly appreciating the drawing excellence, or simply fantasizing about the activities.
Mostly none of the above...they are following a story.
Originally Posted by ozkai
The thing that concerned me was the age of the people reading it, mature adults. If it was young teenagers having a laugh, I could have understood that.
I am curious why you were concerned about adults reading stories about adult and sexual situations. The books are designed for an adult audience.
Originally Posted by ozkai
I also saw plenty of magazines being browsed upon that did have naked ladies on some pages, although never naked men.
Are there a lot of magazines with naked men in Australia? There aren't here in America. Playgirl went out of business years ago. What some are mistaking for "porno mags" like Friday are not much different from British tabloids with Page 6 girls. It isn't pornography. There is no depiction of sex acts.
Originally Posted by ozkai
Love hotels, I wasn't offended, and found them to be a novelty, and like R.Samurai, I have a good collection of photos from on the road. The designs were just something I'd never seen back home
What could be offensive about a love hotel?