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(#80 (permalink))
komitsuki (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
Posts: 997
Join Date: Feb 2009
05-30-2009, 07:31 AM

You're listening to a bunch of butthurt people who I've consistently challenged. If you want to take their word for it then fine.
Thank you. From now on, I wouldn't even bother reading your posts. Like I said before in that past thread: "We just have different values and opinions that we can't even communicate."

Like you said before in PM: You want to say something then say it in the thread... I'm not replying to this.


How kind of you to be rude to someone~

Sinestra is quite right in pointing out that you failed to read what I was getting at.
I didn't know you few months ago. And I'm quite a new member here. I vaguely understood you not too long ago.