Originally Posted by Hyakushi
Well did you mention to her about the over crowding and bank taxes??? did you tell her about everything about japan or only the good things?.
Sounds like people being unprepaird to me but idk <_<.
My experience of life in Japan has been rather sheltered in the sense that I always stay with dad when I'm over there and he takes care of all the expenses (so I don't know that much about banks, rent etc.) Naturally, I did highlight the good things (it is my home country after all and I'm very proud of the place) but I did mention things like overcrowded trains, station toilets often lacking soap, pedestrian crossings where drivers will not want to stop for you and so on.
Anyway, thanks everyone for your posts (I read every single one of them). She ended up apologizing to me so things are fine now. I won't stop helping people.