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Kokugen (Offline)
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03-20-2007, 11:55 PM

Originally Posted by Kanji_The_Wanderer View Post
Is it worth playing for someone who doesn't like real-time fighting in RPGs? I prefer turn-based.

Is it futuristic the way XIII looks? It looks more like a style of FFIX.......
It's not a conditional based or a turn based system but it still has an ATB gauge which has to be used but you have the advantage of being able to run around and certain skills only work in certain ranges. Even if you don't like Action based still play it because you become adjusted to the new system.

It isn't futuristic in the style of XIII but is as you say like IX, it even has mist which I only recall appearing in IX, it has more advanced airships and technology than in IX though because in IX airships were in the traditional ship style but in XII they're futuricicly styled.

Originally Posted by Faust
I definately agree with Demon on the grid system, it freaking rules. The characters are really interesting too. The storyline even features something not really found in any other final fantasy: POLITICS! Huzzah! I celebrate merely because it shows that Square is not afraid to go in (slightly) different directions sometimes. As long as they don't go too far.
Politics is in every FF I think you must have missed it or not recognized it in VII the politics was Shinra I think dunno have't played it, in VIII I know that Edea was the politics at the start and it later became Ultimecia. In IX it was the Queen and Kuja and they did it well, X it was Seymour and all the other Maesters trust me there's politics in every gaame it's just in this they did it in a much more western styled way in fact the entire game is a lot more western styled but still keeps the east in there with character models and designs.

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