Originally Posted by kirakira
So tell me when's the last time you used いかんせん、んがために or 禁じ得ない.
Seriously Nyororin, JLPT1 is very academic. I agree that somewhere between JLPT 1 and JLPT 2 is the sweetspot.
Sweet spot for
what exactly? You could technically get by in life without much problems with JLPT3. But if you want to read anything more difficult than a light novel, it`s going to be pretty hard without JLPT1 or thereabout.
I never said it wasn`t academic or that every little bit of it was used on a regular basis. Of
course there are going to be words, phrases, and kanji that aren`t used on a daily basis. But can you honestly say that
everything added between JLPT2 and 1 is hardly ever used? If so, I certainly don`t share your opinion. Remember, you don`t have to have a perfect score to pass, and I am fairly certain that at least 80% of the vocabulary and patterns appearing on the test are common enough to fall into the "regularly encountered" category.
Maybe my household is just weird, but んがために and んばかりに are everyday terms - and 禁じえない likes to rear it`s head when discussions get passionate. At the very least they aren`t that uncommon, especially if you read more than manga. Maybe they`re used more in different regions? My husband`s family speaks what is supposedly one of the oldest dialects in Japan...