Originally Posted by Nyororin
Maybe my household is just weird, but んがために and んばかりに are everyday terms - and 禁じえない likes to rear it`s head when discussions get passionate. At the very least they aren`t that uncommon, especially if you read more than manga. Maybe they`re used more in different regions? My husband`s family speaks what is supposedly one of the oldest dialects in Japan...
You must be married to a family of poets (yes your household must be weird). Most of my Japanese friends have no idea what んがために means and I never seen it in the countless novels or newspaper articles I've seen. A Japanese teacher friend of mine has never heard of 禁じ得ない until she started working, only because one of her co-workers has a habit of using the word (she had look the word up in the dictionary).
Nyororin, sometimes you just like to put words into people's mouth to make yourself look smart. I mean what the hell do you think sweetspot means? Read the original 1st post!! The guy is looking for fluency, but with no intentions of going to a university. So in that context sweetspot means you possess enough knowledge so to express yourself naturally however you wanted where you only worry about what you are going to say instead of how you going to join the words together. JLPT3 is enough for fluency? What are you smoking woman?!
More than half of all the grammar in JLPT are either formal or written Japanese only. They should go light on those things and focus more on the everyday since it is really designed for Japanese learners.
JLPT is rubbish at the end of the day, it only tests Listening and Reading, no Writing or Speaking. You can be JLPT1 and still stuck.
JLPT will only tell you what you NEED to know, but how well you can use that body of knowledge is purely up to you through lots of practice. Just doing JLPT exercises will help you achieve fluency but that by itself is nowhere near enough. As stated, it is missing 2 major components, writing and speaking, so you need to make the extra effort to plug those significant oversights by the system.