JF Regular
Posts: 79
Join Date: May 2008
Location: With snakes =P
05-31-2009, 05:58 PM
Lmao! x) I have a drawer like that too where I keep all my old wallets and wristbands (I find them on the floor of concerts), different coins I find on the street (even have a coin from india), I even keep some menus in there too from good resturants that aren't really mainstream resturants. Chains (the one you hook onto your pants or skirt), Pens and pencils Ive goten from different people or pens that look cool that I dont want to loose. Oh and little colored hair thingys that you just weave into your hair xD, there mostly purple and one red one. I have various hankerchifts too which I don't wear pften but for some reason I like them .
I guess girls have drawers like this too lawl!. . . wonder what that says about a person 8O stalker statues.